Fiddly Dicking

A Dose Of Everything About Nothing.

About the show

fidlē dic ing

You need a place to kick your feet back, take a break, and laugh at life for a moment? We are here for you. Unlike most podcasts, you will get episodes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, that are little gems for easy earhole consumption.

We are a gaggle of buddies, encouraged to start a podcast by a bartender. As a wise man once said, you always act upon the advice from the bartender. So here we are, non-stop Fiddly Dicking for the world to enjoy. Cheers!


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    Cast Iron Cookie

    October 28th, 2020  |  7 mins 24 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Today we dedicate a whole episode to the art of cooking with a Cast Iron pan. Thats it....just Cast Iron pans. Enjoy. Have a great day!!

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    Topic Cup

    October 27th, 2020  |  7 mins 29 secs

    You may be asking yourself...hmmmm...where in the heck was my Monday episode. Well, what can we say, we are slackers at times. But hey, there is always time to hand in late homework if you are a Fiddly Dicker. And for extra credit, we added a few extra segments to make up for the travesty. Today Don brought his topic cup. We dive into the cup and discuss this riveting topic that we know you have been dying to have discussed on a podcast.

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    Weekend Remix | Oct 19 - Oct 23

    October 24th, 2020  |  28 mins 32 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Another Weekend Remix to catch you up on anything you may have missed during the week. Have a wonderful day, we will be back with a new episode on Monday!

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    Scary Politics

    October 23rd, 2020  |  5 mins 7 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Another week in the books with some serious Fiddly Dicking. Hope you are enjoying the show. Check back in tomorrow for a weekly remix and some additional announcements. Have a great day!

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    Dial It In

    October 22nd, 2020  |  8 mins 41 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    We added some new tech this week and tried it out on this episode. We can now officially take phone calls. Today we show it off with a lovely call with Scooter and his friend while they are gallivanting through the mountains of Colorado on vacation. Stay tuned for future announcements on how you can call in and contribute to the show if you want to join the fun. As always, have a great day!

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    Dog Drugs

    October 21st, 2020  |  5 mins 17 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    My oh my, I am running out of witty banter to type out in these episode descriptions. Hope you are enjoying these daily episodes. We sure would love some feedback of your thoughts on them. You know what, why don't you click this here, @fdicking, follow us, and let us know how we are doing.

    Anyhow, This episode is about getting your dog high.

    Have a superb day.

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    Great Day For Dancing

    October 20th, 2020  |  4 mins 42 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    In todays episode we explore the power of the music by Mike Love. Ever hear of him? If not, stop what you are doing right now and search up some of his tunes. So anyhow...Chapman shares a story of what happens when you are compelled by the music of Mike Love. Have and absolutely terrific day everyone!

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    Bumper Stickers

    October 19th, 2020  |  4 mins 1 sec
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Welcome back after that lovely weekend you just had. Perhaps it was not so lovely, and if so, don't be tempted to place an angry bumper sticker on your car. Today we break down the in's and out's of bumper stickers and why you should think twice placing one on your car. Probably the most important information for you to consume on a Monday. Have an excellent day!

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    Weekend Remix | Oct 12 - Oct16

    October 17th, 2020  |  28 mins 30 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    In this weekends episode, we glued all of this weeks short podcasts into one hodgepodge of an episode. If you missed one or two, you can check them out in this remix. Perhaps you happened to catch them all.....First....thanks for your loyalty....and second....feel free to listen to them all again. Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

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    Growth Spurt

    October 16th, 2020  |  4 mins 47 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Happy Friday, everyone. Today Timmy "Skilling" will start you out with a fantastic weather forecast. Yes, it's the weather for Chicago, but I am sure its close enough for wherever you live. You know they say, never stop your personal growth. We break that down today for inspiration for the weekend. Have a great day today...have a fantastic weekend....tell all your friends to give the Fiddly Dicking a ride...we will be back next week with more episodes.

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    Bing Bang Bong

    October 15th, 2020  |  4 mins 41 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Do you find yourself at a loss for words when something great happens? Some say words can not express how I feel... well we say hogwash to that. In todays episode, we will teach you the secret to living a long and happy life. Take it from us, it works. Go out an crush it today!

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    Haunted Workout at the Hardware Store

    October 14th, 2020  |  3 mins 59 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    You know...with all of this covid nonsense and the election shenanigans, we are forgetting what is important this time of year.... the endless complaining that the stores are putting up their Christmas Crap up so early? Well today my friends, we have you covered. Go out there and play like a champion today!

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    Bus Driving Fanatic

    October 13th, 2020  |  4 mins 58 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Don't you just love Taco Tuesday? Go ahead and settle in, grab a taco, and enjoy another moment of the fiddly dicking. Whats that you say.....its 9am??? Well, swing by your local fast food restaurant and grab a breakfast burrito. Because its taco Tuesday..and we are doing this. Have the best day of your life!

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    What Are You Worth

    October 12th, 2020  |  8 mins 12 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    Another episode to start your week right. Today we talk finances..and how obnoxious the celebrity incomes are hosting game shows. It's least we have each other. Thats all that matter.

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    Down In The Dumps

    October 7th, 2020  |  10 mins 13 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    After a long meeting, heated arguments, hugging, laughing, crying....we decided that the short episode format is the way to go. Thats right, a quick hitter to start your day out right. So from this point moving forward, we will keep pumping out short episodes as often as possible. Perhaps every day? Perhaps three a week?? Well, subscribe and see how this all turns out. Have a fantastic day!

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    You're Welcome

    September 29th, 2020  |  5 mins 33 secs
    comedy, fun, goofy

    We are having fun with these short episodes, so lets keep it rolling. And with that said....your welcome. As always, have a great day!