Fiddly Dicking
A Dose Of Everything About Nothing.
Escapes With Sharron
February 3rd, 2021 | 8 mins 10 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Today we are joined by our new friend Jeron. He shares the exciting news about his soon to be released new podcast "Just Kiss Already", a fun show breaking down Rom-Com movies. On behalf of the Fiddly Dickers, we thank you Jaron, its about time a real pro steps in and spares us from Chapmans amateur Rom-Com thoughts. Have a great day everyone!
What's Your Number
February 2nd, 2021 | 6 mins 41 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Feel free to call it Taco Tuesday or TV Tuesday, we are here to get ya to giggle. Perhaps we call it Giggle Guesday. Thats pretty fun. Anyhow, good old fashion Fiddly Dicking in this episode with a big announcement hiding inside. Have a great day everyone!
Weekend Remix | Jan 25 - Jan 29
January 30th, 2021 | 52 mins 20 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
In case you missed any of our episodes this past week, give this one a listen to hear them all in one. Have great day everyone!
It's All Gravy
January 29th, 2021 | 12 mins 21 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Today we are joined by the busiest of all the bee's, Drew from Black Gamut Entertainment. Drew shares with us the excitement of entrepreneur life and how is is not looking back. We are left with trying to figure out when the heck this guy sleeps. Have a great day everyone!
Apples To Oranges
January 27th, 2021 | 11 mins 57 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Its Wednesday, and you know what that means, Chapman is painting the town. If you did not know that, well you better stop what you are doing right now and get listening. Have a great day everyone!
You Had The Door!
January 26th, 2021 | 11 mins 1 sec
comedy, fun, goofy
Today we are joined by our new friend Sidney from the podcast Behind the Behind. This fella knows how to play in hard mode and snipe Fiddly Dickers when they are not expecting it. Have a great day everyone!
Smoking A Durry In Me Buzz Box
January 25th, 2021 | 16 mins 59 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
G'day Mates. Today we are challenged Americans. Not so much in the sense of Covid or Politics. More of the challenge to understand Australian slang. Our new friends Braeden and Axel from Another Poddy Podcast for some laughs. Have a great day everyone!
Weekend Remix | Jan 18 - Jan 22
January 23rd, 2021 | 56 mins 35 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
In case you missed any of our episodes this past week, give this one a listen to hear them all in one. Have great day everyone!
Dust Bustin
January 22nd, 2021 | 17 mins 23 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
We are taken on quite the journey in todays episode. We get to know our new friend Dustin. Dustin has his own podcast called Dustin, The Wind where he travels the world and shares great nuggets of wisdom from him and his guest. Check it out today. Have a great day everyone!
Shootin’ From The Hips
January 21st, 2021 | 6 mins 9 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Keeping it light today with a quick dose of happy Fiddly Dicking about apparel and bathroom technique. Do you love your friends and family? Nothing says you care more than sending them this episode. Have a great day everyone!
Return Of The JoAnn
January 19th, 2021 | 11 mins 7 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Lately we start all of these show notes with "our new friend", but not today. In this episode, our old friend JoAnn we met a month ago called back in again. We had no idea, but she can see the future, and we all got hit with some "Titanic" results. Make sure you check out JoAnn's Youtube channel. Have a great day everyone!
The Dogz
January 18th, 2021 | 12 mins 27 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Today our new friend Brian from TV Trivia Pod tries to stump the crew with some hard hitting trivia. Gotta tell you, we need to hit the books in case Brian joins us again. Have a great day everyone!
Weekend Remix | Jan 11 - Jan 15
January 16th, 2021 | 1 hr 15 mins
comedy, fun, goofy
In case you missed any of our episodes this past week, give this one a listen to hear them all in one. Have great day everyone!
Discography Of Pool Noodles
January 15th, 2021 | 13 mins 15 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Now here is something crazy we can do on a Friday. How about having some Noodles for breakfast. Noise Noodles that is. DJ joins us today to tell us about his rock comedy band. We share some ideas to get these guys to the top of the charts. Have a great day everyone!
I Don’t Know About You Yet
January 14th, 2021 | 16 mins 46 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Today we discuss the trials and tribulations to get your tech fixed. Why not just call it a day and get a time share. But first you have to shovel your neighbors driveway and make sure a bandaid is handy for any potential finger cuts. Have a nice day everyone!