Fiddly Dicking
A Dose Of Everything About Nothing.
Live Show Shenanigans
March 15th, 2022 | 10 mins 27 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
We brought our show on the road. Broke a few legs, and are now experts in crowd surfing. Have a great day everyone.
Fiddly Live Announcement
February 21st, 2022 | 10 mins 15 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Ladies and Gentlemen...We got an announcement. Hold your hats beacuse this is huge. Fiddly Dicking will be performing a live episode on Feb26th at Quigleys Bar and Grill. Show up at 9pm and lets have some fun. Listen to this episode for the details. Have a great day everyone!
February 9th, 2022 | 13 mins 25 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Another day in pardise with the Fiddly Dicking. Be sure to tune it to next episode for some exciting announcements. You are not going to want to miss it. Have a great day everyone!
February 2nd, 2022 | 13 mins 14 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
There is one thing that is never in doubt, we are the experts in drinks. From adult beverages to everyday beverages. We take a deep dive today to help you along in your beverage journey. Have a great day everyone!
Shockwave Hashtag
January 25th, 2022 | 10 mins 27 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Today we check in on some new years resolution updates. Have a great day everyone!
January 20th, 2022 | 9 mins 43 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Sure its a little late, but Happy New Year to all of you from the Fiddly Dickers. This is the first time we have gotten togther in the 2022. Jammed packed with the giggles that you have come to love and expect out of us. Have a great day everyone!
Sticky And Smelly Situations
January 14th, 2022 | 11 mins 18 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Nothing better then ringing in the weekend with some Fiddly Dicking. Today we dive deep into some sticky objects and smelly smells . We have the answers you are looking for. Enough to make you want to bong a beer. Have a great day everyone.
Out With The Boys
January 10th, 2022 | 11 mins 22 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Holy cow, its been way too long. Yes we are still alive and we are ready to go in the 2022. What a better way to kick things back into gear then a deep dive on musicians that we would like to paint the town with. Have a great day everyone!
Eighteen Guagers Flying
October 20th, 2021 | 34 mins 42 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Jammed packed episode ready to tickle your ears. Today we ponder the amount of damage an archer can inflict, amount of damage a nail gun can cause, and tips on how to purchase property on a flight layover. We have a blast with Comedy Legend Honest John. And tap the ol' toes to the music of Dan McGuiness. You don't want to miss it. Have a great day everyone!
Lunkin Flunkins
October 13th, 2021 | 34 mins 9 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
We have a jammed packed show for you this week. Lets start with some pro tips on repurposing "As Seen On TV" products. Oba King shares his talent of story telling and his touching view of the great city of Chicago. Terrance Seegers closes Oba on some sweet shwag from his promotional products business. Kirstie Kraus joins us to share her new single, Bird. And if that is not enough, we fill your heart with a love song we wrote for all of you and Don shares some self help tips. Be sure to click all of the link below. Have a great day everyone!
World Premier Fiddly Dicking Show Live (Previously Recorded)
October 5th, 2021 | 33 mins 31 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
At long last, we are happy to give you are new and improved show! Have a great day everyone!
A Fiddly Dicking Update / Announcement
September 30th, 2021 | 2 mins 21 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
A quick update, in case you were wondering what happen to us....
Weekend Remix | Sep 6-10
September 12th, 2021 | 38 mins 21 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
In case you missed any of our episodes this past week, give this one a listen to hear them all in one. Have great day everyone!
September 10th, 2021 | 13 mins 26 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Special day today for all you Dickers. Today Lenny, Jt and Roman talk about how they just started doing a podcast where they have drinks and have talks. Let the Fiddly Dicking begin. This could be the start to a long term Colab.
Have a great day everyone! -
Electric Skateboard Gang
September 8th, 2021 | 10 mins 45 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
When the text chain comes up in conversation it always lead to the end of the rainbow. Is going back to pagers and a land line and option? No, then we will start collect calling from now on. At end of the rainbow today is the fierce electric skateboard gang waiting with a drone army.
Have a great day everyone! -
Blue Thunder Drone
September 6th, 2021 | 14 mins 8 secs
comedy, fun, goofy
Today the boys went down under and spoke with Dan Davis. Dan the "Drone Guy" is a guru when it comes to drones. While the aborigines show us that new tech will not prevail over blow darts.................we take a deep dive literally into the drone world. Have a great day everyone!